On Process

I was speaking with a friend recently who had gone on a job interview. This friend is a product manager. Lots of overlap with product designers or UX designers, so I am familiar with the terrain. One of the questions the interviewer asked was "So, what's your process?". My friend responded with what I thought was a perfect answer; "I don't have one."

Now, this may seem ridiculous. If you do anything professionally you naturally would develop ways of doing things. But what I loved about my friend's answer was that until you know the problem, you can't expect to solve it based on something you've done before. Sure, you may be faster at getting to answers or generating tangible results, but I think that assuming you know, therefore locking yourself into a process is dangerous. It doesn't free you up to be nimble or solve issues on the fly or maybe even approach it from a whole new perspective.

This leads me to my point. Be flexible, be teachable and be open to not knowing exactly how to get to your destination. Enjoy not knowing. You may just surprise yourself.